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About Us


MEATOO (mea-too) is the registered trademark of Siam Canadian’s exciting selection of plant-based meat alternative products.


Our logo is crafted to illustrate “green-meat” which refers to a range of meatless products made from plants.


MEATOO products are innovatively developed and tested by highly creative and experienced Research and Development (R&D) personnel to replicate the appearance, texture and taste profiles of real seafoods and real red and white meats.


Try our Meatoo products!

"You won’t believe it’s not meat!!!"


We are committed to Environmental Sustainability – a long term goal to ultimately maintain our quality of life on our planet for now and for all future generations.


We all can make a significant contribution by consuming a more environmentally sustainable diet.  Everyone can help support animal welfare and a reduced ecological footprint while improving personal health by shifting or partially shifting to a plant-based diet.  Better global environment, better health and great taste!


Therefore, we have made significant investments to develop our spectacular range of plant-based products. Not only to offer awesome plant-based meal options for vegetarians but also to ensure an amazing meatless food experience for meat-eaters which we are confident will change their perception towards plant-based food forever.